This post is dedicated to my mom. Well, I know you are not computer savvy, and most likely you will not be able to see this, and that's probably the reason why I have the courage to write it down here, instead of telling you about it, because we were brought up not to share our feelings so much, especially to people we are close with. Anyway, you know how I feel.
Thank you so much for taking care of me when I was hospitalised. It makes me wonder, if you were not around, who else can look after me. Thank you for the meals everyday. Thank you for looking into our comforts.
I know it's not easy being a mom and I guess you get the hang of it after so many years and I suppose mothering instinct came as soon as you had us.
We may not know what you feel all the time, but I am very sure you knew what we felt all the time.
Anyway, I have chosen you as mom and I love you, mom! You are the best!