I have to admit, that being optimistic is very difficult for a pessimist like me. The first sentence itself, you can tell that I am not an optimist.
However, no matter how pessimistic I am, I always try not to post any negative things inside this blog, no complains and no grudges.
Lately I discovered and confirmed myself being a pessimist. I know it's not very good for me, in terms of health, mental health, etc, etc, so I try to remind myself to be more optimistic.
When I drive to work every morning, I used to tune into this radio station which plays English oldies because I like oldies. Somehow, the DJs for the morning session does not give out a positive aura. Every morning, the DJs will asked people to call in and tell them about their problems. If I can recalled much, Mondays is asking people to talk about their problems. The DJs will give a topic like, 'Why do women complained so much?' Callers who called in complained about their wives, girlfriends, etc. Tuesdays also nothing better. Wednesdays they have this psychiatrist to talk about mental problems and how to be positive, but again, it's more about problems than solutions. Thursdays a doctor to talk about some health issues and how to overcome something, which is quite a good topic but again, it's a morning session show.
Eventually I switched radio station because I could not stand hearing all these and start my day listening to what diseases we might have or why do women tolerate domestic abuses and so on. I realised that listening to such negative things (although they do sound quite positive) does affect my day.
I switched to a Chinese radio station and the 3 morning DJs are very entertaining. The topics are not that serious and very light. For example, today they talked about 'What is the funniest or strangest thing that you have encountered in a wedding that you have attended?' Sometimes they have topics on a more serious tone like for Mother's Day, they asked callers to tell them about their mothers, what they have done that is so memorable. That was quite touching.
And then I realised, I went to work on a happy tune. I feel good. The sun is shining brightly and the grass is greener. I feel happier.
Ever since I got married, I realised that to be positive is not that difficult. When you have a will, you will have a way. That's because my other half is much more a pessimist than I am and in order to help him to improve, I have become a supporter of optimists. Whenever he gave me some negative remarks, this can't do, that can't do, no this, no that, then I will tell him to think otherwise. Sometimes I feel I needed those words more than him and it's more like I am telling myself than telling him. That's because I don't want to be dragged down by all these negative remarks and the only way to counter them is to think otherwise.
It's true that you need to surround yourself with optimists. I am glad my colleague who is sitting next to me is an optimist. No matter how stress she is at work, you can never tell, because she will be smiling and throwing some jokes here and there. It's fun to have people like that. It changes the whole working environment.
As a Sahaja Yogi, our vibrations does affect our surroundings. If we give out more positive aura i.e cool vibrations, our environment also will have an effect, a positive one.
I just read this article sent by a friend about being optimistic. It makes me think more positive about my life and how to counter negative thoughts.
I have reduced my time on FB, because I feel the news feeds does not have much good news. While it's good that many people are putting attention on the current political issues in this country and posting on FB to show their support, I feel it's enough to read the anger and disappointment of the Rakyat. We are giving out the vibes that we are very angry and annoyed. And it makes others all becoming angry and annoyed too. I don't know what is the right way to publicise and to make people understand, but I feel for myself, enough is enough.
There's also a lot of people posting graphic images about dogs or children being abused, babies born with deformities, accident victims, sexual content, etc. Well, I don't know. It doesn't make my day any better and it doesn't helped the dogs or children being abused or babies born with deformities or any accident victims better. It's not something that you want to see first thing in the morning.
Of course there are also some nice quotes from Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, etc, etc. Those I enjoyed very much.
So, as Sahaja Yogis, if we can put our attention on positive things, I feel the positive effect will be generated. Let's not put our precious attention on negative things. Let's use it for a better purpose.
"Complete control of yourself"
So rise now; you must rise above your petty, small mind. Rise up to the point where you should know you are going to save the whole humanity. If you cannot feel that, it's better to leave Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for people who are lousy. In Marathi the word is gabare. Tukaram has said, yerya gabalyache kam nahi – "It is not the work of the lousy." ...
When you rise above all these petty things you will develop that divine discretion. That divine discretion is the real blessing of God. All other blessings that you think is a blessing is no blessing at all. Unless and until you can grow, what is the blessing? Like a tree which says, "Oh, it's such a blessing that I have got rain." But out of that rain if you cannot grow, what is the use of having that rain on you? You have to be compassionate, beautiful, sensible people who are highest beings on this earth. Take out your attention from all nonsense that you have been busy with. That's how you get possessed, that's how you get conditioned; small, small things, you see. ...
Today is the beginning of a new era; of a new era of people of very high qualities, whose spirit has been enlightened. Let's all think about it. Now you have to rule yourself, and you have to rule others through compassion, love and discretion. Today that's the big time that I have declared that it is the universal religion, the Nirmala religion which is formed out of my teachings of love. ...
So now have respect for yourself. Raise your heads. You are the ones who are going to fight. You are the ones who are responsible. Prepare yourself, prepare your body, prepare your mind, be discreet. This is my, I would not say "request" again, this is my order. May God bless you. ...
Respect yourself, respect. May God bless you all. There's nothing, nothing more important to Me than to see you rise to that level of understanding of your own values and worth, and discretion. You have to become sweet, nice people but very, very powerful, that you can control yourself, your tongues and your things; your control, complete control of yourself. May God bless you again.
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extracts from 'A New Era', Bordi, India, 6/2/85