A year ago, I posted about doing liver diet again. But I didn't get to do it due to lack of commitment and sheer laziness to cook my own food.
However, now that I am quite free and I have an accomplice (my mom), both of us decided to do liver diet again. My reason is purely to have better attention while my mom is for losing weight.
Starting from today, I will be doing this with my mom until I leave for Cabella. If I can keep to it, then I would be on liver diet for almost a month, which I hope will help my attention a little bit more and to be able to prepare myself for the 2 pujas in Cabella.
Although I will be following most of the liver diet, it will not be a strict liver diet but a more relaxing one. Weekends we will try to eat what we want. We will still avoid ice cream, dairy, fried and fatty food, but certain conditions like eating white bread or some other things will be allowed. We don't want to be too condition. Like our liver improved but our left agnya catches.
I hope I can stick to it this time. I will be posting on what my diet will be everyday (fingers crossed).