Sahaj Homeschool - Introduction

Disclaimer:  I am not a teacher but just a full-time working mother.  If you want to share this post, please credit to this blog.

Jai Shri Mataji Sahaj parents.  I have decided to post topics about Sahaj homeschool for 5 years old once a week.  

How our homeschooling journey started?  I have always desire that my little girl get to attend a Sahaj school.  In fact, I have thought of sending her to ISPS or maybe the Devi School in Canada later.  She is at the age who can attend Borotin school or Cabella school  But due to our tight finances, we are unable to send her to Sahaj schools.

In fact, last year we registered her in a local, traditional setup kindergarten nearby with affordable fees.  I am not very keen with the kindergarten because I don't like the style of education where they force the kids to memorize and do as the teacher told and hamper their creativity in their thinking.  But since the vibrations was cooler compared to other Montessori kindergartens, let's trust the vibrations and see where it will bring us.

When we first visited the kindergarten, it looks like a military setup, to me.  There was no grass but some playground equipment on concrete floors.  We saw the kids have to do what the teacher told.  If the teacher said go on the slide, you go on the slide and not the see-saw.  The teachers were also very loud and you cannot hear any kids laughing.  They were so quiet and contained.  And there was a prayer altar in the balcony.  But since the vibes were cooler than others, I just pray hard and let it go.

Her teachers were very good and patience.  Then I saw that if the kids cannot colour, the teachers will finish the colouring for them.  It bugs me that they were strict with what colour to use and only told to use that colour only.  Like only orange colour for orange fruit.

Then the pandemic hit us and she only attended 2 and half months of physical kindergarten and another 2 and half months of online classes.  Because the kindergarten was so traditional (they don't even have a website), can you imagine how online classes are?  The teachers would record 3-5 minutes of video and send through WhatsApp every single day.  One video for one subject.  And guess who ended up teaching her at home?  We then thought it was ridiculous to pay the same fees but the teaching method was so cheap.  So we took her out of kindergarten for the next half of the year.  

For the second half of 2020, she was playing most of the time.  Since she was only 4 years old then, it was still ok to do that.

But this year, she turned 5 and we were looking seriously into her studies, both academically and spiritually.

Thanks to the pandemic, we can find many materials online, free and paid.  Some are pretty good and I am still searching for them.  Sahaj wise, we do have some materials for kids which I will be sharing also.  

I did some research and found a very Sahaj based timetable from another preschool online.  As I am not a teacher, I do not have the syllabus to teach properly.  So, I just make up my own.  I also asked around parents who have been homeschooling their children.  Though homeschooling is originated from a Christian background, I thought why not change it to Sahaj homeschooling instead.

Of course, the downside of homeschooling is our little girl can't meet up with her friends and no one to play with.  Unlike a Sahaj school setting where the kids can sing, dance, play, meditate together, she won't be able to experience this.

But there is always an online option though it is not the best.  So, attending a physical school is still a better choice but don't know when this pandemic will be over.

And since she turned 5 and we feel we cannot delay her schooling anymore.  We can't wait until the pandemic is over.  Besides she was growing up so quickly and so I feel we have to do something urgently.

And hence, this Sahaj homeschooling technique is born.  

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