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Extract from Shri Ekadasha Rudra Puja

"Now, this Ekadasha Rudra will be expressed when the Kalki itself will start acting, means the destructive power which will destroy all that is negative on this Earth and save all that is positive.  … One should not have sympathy with anyone who is negative, whether he is mad, whether there is something wrong with him, whether he is your relation, or anything.  No sympathy of any kind, on the contrary a kind of anger should be there for that person, a kind of a detachment. And this angry detachment is the only time, when you have to be angry. But I have seen people who have anger for very good Sahaja Yogis but not for their own husbands or wives who are extremely negative. … Ekadasha Rudra have all the powers, I would say, of destruction, together.  It is destructive power of Shri Ganesha.  It is destructive power of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha. It is the destructive power of the Mother.  It is the destructive power of the Ganesha and four of these are Bhairava and Hanumana, Karthikeya and Ganesha. Also the powers of Sadashiva and of the Adi Shakti.  All the destructive powers of all the incarnations are Ekadashas.  Now the last but not the least, is the destructive power of Hiranyagarbha which is collective Brahmadeva.  And this power when it acts, every atom explodes, the whole atomic energy goes into a destructive power.  So, thus the complete total destructive power is Ekadasha Rudra.

It is extremely powerful, explosive, but it is not blind. It is very discriminative and extremely delicately woven. It avoids all the good points and attacks the wrong things. And it hits at the right time, at the right point, direct, without hitting anything that is good in between. Now the glance of Ekadasha Rudra falls upon someone, say – and there is something in-between which is Divine or which is a positive thing, it penetrates through positive, without harming the positive and hits the negative. It cools down somebody (not freezing) and burns another. So that is how is works with such care and such delicacy. And it is extremely sharp also. And it is very painful. It is not like cutting the neck in one shot, it goes on slowly." ~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi |Shri Ekadasha Rudra Puja | Como Italy | 1984 ~


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