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Beyond the mind

I tend to react a lot.  To EVERYTHING!!!  And then I get the after-effects.  I was very sad with the passing of Shri Mataji and react a lot to that.  But was calmed by the vibrations surrounding me.  Then slowly, very slowly, day after day, some messages will come, some reflection.  I miss Shri Mataji a lot, although I have never spoken to Her personally.  But in the end I feel, She needs to go to do a much greater work that was limited by Her physical body.  It was for our own good.  It's not up to our human mind to understand it all.  But know that some great things will be happening.  I remembered one speech, Shri Mataji said, She has given us everything.  Yes, She has prepared us for this.  Now, reading back Her speeches, really, She has given us every single thing.  Everything that we need to know, She has told us.  She gave us all.  So, now I don't feel so sad.  In my heart, it is much more calmer and I feel some beautiful things will be happening soon.  She is with us and everywhere we go, She is there.  Her work will continue and cool vibrations are everywhere.  She didn't leave us.  Nope.

Sharing with you Her speech about our ego and superego.

Beyond the Mind

Today, I'm going to talk about the mind. People don't know what this mind is. It is very easy to understand for Sahaja Yogis, that we are the ones who react, react to everything that is outside. The reason is, we have two horrible tendencies, one which is an ego, and another tendency is that we are being trained that way, or we can call it the superego or the conditionings. So, both the things, our ego and conditionings, are all the time acting outside. This reaction, which is built in within us, is just like bubbles in the ocean, and these bubbles keep us away from reality. These bubbles are of thoughts, and they just blast you all the time in your head, and you don't know why they have come. When you depend on this artificial mind of yours, then you have no discretion as to understand what is good and what is bad. This mind is the one where all kinds of evil things start, all kinds of quarrels, fights and possessiveness, lastly, the war also comes there. It is in this mind only, which is nothing but a myth, all these concrete, destructive ideas, somehow or other, come up, and then they start growing and growing.
Then you find people whom you can impress, also, put ideas into their heads - by reading, they learn, or by their lectures, or by mesmerism, whatever kinds of things they can do. They put your mind into such a frame that you accept these destructive ideas, for yourself individually, or maybe for the collective.
So this mind is just a myth, and we are working through this mind. We are all the time satisfying ourselves by saying 'Oh, that's my mind', 'My mind wants it'. ...

Because this mind, which is just a bubble, as I told you, and is so limited, that it cannot comprehend the beauty, the glory, the expanse of reality- this mind is just a collection of all the garbage, we should say, which we have to, somehow or other, deny, and tell ourselves that 'I have to go beyond my mind. So-called mind of mine has done no good for me. And this mind of mine, which has been all the time controlling me, is just like the watch we have made and is controlling us, or like the computer that controls us'.
So we have to be careful that we are the ones that have created this mind, and this mind has no business to control us. Many people try to control the mind. There's a way of doing it, that 'I'll control my mind now'. Now, try to understand, how will you control the mind only though mind? Either by ego or by your conditioning. You have no means of controlling your mind, because it is the mind which you have created, and that is just existing there, which you cannot control, though you might think 'I can control'.

You have to go beyond this mind. And to go beyond this mind, the most helpful thing is Kundalini awakening, because She passes through your limbic area, pierces through your fontanel bone area, and just takes you away, out, into the realm of reality, and the Yoga takes place between your brain, I should say, your heart, with this All-pervading Power. She's the One which connects, She's the One who does it. Many people are doing Sahaja Yoga, I know that, but it's difficult for them, sometimes, to get to meditation, to establish this thoughtless awareness, which is an extremely important state which you all should achieve. So many Sahaja Yogis are there, and I'm happy to know that they are getting deeper and deeper, but as long as they are in the turmoil of their mind they cannot progress.

H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extracts from Birthday Puja 1996


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