I started the matka pot treatment last night. Been feeling a lot of left agnya catch lately, so thought that it is high time to do a matka pot treatment. Here is what we need: 7 limes (I heard in Belgium, they used 7 lemons, so the pot that they used is so big and they have a hard time trying to dispose the pot after the 7 nights). Cut the top of the limes to expose a bit of the flesh. 7 chillies. Remove the top of the chillies (I don't know what you call, stem or stalk). I used small chillies so that they can fit into the matka pot. 1 matka pot (here in Malaysia we used claypot that they cooked claypot rice, glazed inside so that it will not leak) Vibrated water So, you put everything into the pot and vibrate in front of Shri Mataji's photo. Pray that the matka pot will absorb all the catches and negativities. Then place it on the left side of the bed. I put it under the bed but you can also put it on a side table on ...
My spiritual journey with Sahaja Yoga.
I was later told that what i had experienced - in every dimension and with all of my senses - was the Adi Shakti, the primordial Power of all Existence, as described in various ancient treatises.
How does the finite mind wrap around this infinitely amazing discovery? - only within deep meditation, when one spontaneously "becomes".