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An update! A true Raksha Bandhan...

Hello!  I haven't written for many months.  Main reason is because we are back to lockdown and this time very harsh.  The kids haven't been out for 3 months and more.  Schools are closed and no sign of covid numbers decreasing.  

I have been so busy with work and online school for the little girl.

What happened to Sahaj Kindy?  I would love to continue but because of the uncertainty of covid and her kindergarten had online classes now and she is learning, so we just let it be for now.

But lots of Sahaj activities for the kids has been happening, all done during lockdown and feel so much of fun and joy just organising and coordinating.  

This year, we had the first virtual Raksha Bandhan for kids and adults.  The vibrations were fantastic just doing it.  So much of joy and love.

Being someone who was not brought up celebrating Raksha Bandhan as a child, I was amazed at how beautiful the ceremony was when I was introduced to it when I came to Sahaja Yoga.  

Being the eldest in the family, I have always wanted an elder brother to love and protect me.  That came true when I came to Sahaj.

The first brother who really took care of me was a brother from UK.  He was so much older than me, but would tell me that I have a special place in his heart as I was the first sister who tied a rakhi for him.  I had no idea as he was also the first rakhi brother I tied to.

He gave me a free air ticket to Cabella on the year he got married.  At that point of time, I was studying part-time and could not afford it.  I was so taken aback as it was the most expensive gift I have received in my life.

Another brother who really took care of me was an Indian brother.  I still remembered clearly of what he did and was so touched and amazed by his love although so subtle.  

We flew to Delhi together, on the same flight.  Upon arrival, the Indian customs suddenly decided to check all the Malaysians' luggage and told us to open them up and they started searching.  But Indians don't have to and were told to just proceed to leave.

This brother has already gone ahead when he realised I was not behind him.  He actually turned back, went through security to check where I was and found the Custom officer ransacking my luggage.  He told the officer in Hindi that I am his rakhi sister and we are going to Delhi together.  I was so touched by just these words of his although I don't understand Hindi.  The officer ignored him and continue searching and then just let all of us go, without further problems.  

Upon arrival at Nirmal Dham, this brother told other brothers to help me with my luggage and brought it right up to the pendal.  

Since then, I felt the significance of Raksha Bandhan is so deep and important but yet not easily understood.  Many have also took it for granted.  Just for the sake of tying without truly understanding the beauty and joy of this brother and sister relationship.

This year, I truly felt this subtle beauty, which is not material and not external.  But something introspective and beautiful and eternal.  I could finally understand this beautiful relationship much more than before.

So far it's always an elder brother who has been taking good care of me.  And those 2 brothers left Malaysia back to their own country.

This time, it involves a younger brother.  I had tied a rakhi for him many years ago but we are not that closed as we don't attend the same collective.  He seldom reply my messages.

Few months back, a tragedy struck his family.  A month later, suddenly I thought of reaching out to him.  After much thoughts of whether I should send him a message, one morning after meditation, I wrote a long message and right before sending, I checked vibes if it was cool and it was and so I just sent.

What I wrote was more of sharing my own tragedy and how I ended up in Sahaja Yoga and still am here.  Nothing more.  

Many hours later, he replied.  And we ended up messaging one another for at least an hour.  

Soon, he started becoming active again in activities and was putting everything into action.  I was glad he was able to find his footing again.  

One day, a sister told me that she spoke to this little brother of ours.  And that my message that I sent that day has opened his eyes.  I was so touched and never knew the impact I have made.  I cried.

Since that day, I have been feeling that he is there to protect me whenever there is trouble.  Although he probably didn't realised he is doing it, but I could feel it.  It was very subtle and yet so beautiful that no words can explain the level of his protection towards his sisters.

Many beautiful things are happening despite the test, hardship and difficulties surrounding us.  

Happy Raksha Bandhan to all my brothers.  May your love and protection towards your sisters are eternal.

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