- "Raising Children in Sahaja Yoga" is very good. It contains excerpts from Shri Mataji's various speeches and also a summary of how to bring up children according to their ages from 0-6 onwards. Very informative for new parents. You can download this book for free from Sahaja Yoga Online Library.
- "My First Book of Chakras" is a beautiful book with colourful illustrations. It is suitable for both children and adult. It has lots of information about chakras and deities. One look at it you can tell that the authors put a lot of effort and attention into this book. You can buy this book from the Sahaja Books for Children. Somehow I got a copy of the e-Book forwarded by some yogis few years back.
- In the same webpage, you can find many Sahaja Yoga books written for Sahaja Yogis children by Sahaja Yogis. I just bought Nirmala's Story on Amazon. Cost a lot but the vibes were fantastic.
- "Little Ganesha" is a CD created by the Sweden Collective. You can find the mp3 downloadable at Sahaja Yoga Online Library. This CD contains lovely and cute children's song on chakras and deities and meditation.
- On Youtube, just key-in Sahaja Yoga Children and you can find a collection of songs for Sahaja Yogi children.
- Meditation for Children guides you on how to conduct meditation session for children ages from 0 to 6 years old.
- Mother's Love has good collection of videos and music for children which you can listen online.
Shri Mataji's speeches from Amruta
- "Talk on Children and Musical Program, Eve of Easter Puja" - 30 Mar 1991, Australia
- "Talk on Children" - 21 Apr 1985, UK
- "Advice on Small Children" - 9 July 1986, Austria
- "Talk about Children and Indian School" - 4 May 1986, India
- "Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Preschool Talk" - 17 Apr 1991, Australia
- "Shri Ganesha Puja, How Far to go With Children" - 8 Aug 1989, Switzerland
- "Talk to Sahaja Yogis on Children" - 21 Sep 1990, Switzerland
- "Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Taking Care of Children" - 27 Dec 1993, India
- "Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Children and Other Topics" - 2 Mar 1985, Australia
- "Picnic, How to Bring up Small Children" - 19 Mar 1983, Australia
- "Seminar, Talk on Children, Parents, School" - 12 May 1985, UK
- "Conversation, About Children" - 24 Apr 1982, Italy
Shri Mataji also spoke about children during the occasion of Shri Ganesha Puja throughout the years.
If you are into electronic devices for kids, then you might be interested to download this app called Sahaja Kids. Here's the android version.