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Introspection and Meditation with Shri Mataji

Found another gem.  It's a guided introspection and meditation with Shri Mataji.

Disclaimer: I have done a summary and extracted part of the speech only.  Please do read and listen to the whole speech to get a complete understanding and message of Shri Mataji.  You can find this talk at Sahaj A-Z and

Advice by Shri Mataji, “Introspection and Meditation”. Shudy Camps (UK), 18 June 1988

So today is the day when we have to introspect. So should we go into meditation, all of us? Please close your eyes. All of you close your eyes. Now we all will do the meditation the way we have been doing in the halls wherever we had public programs.

1. So the first you have to put your hand on your heart. We’ll work on the left hand side, and the left hand towards me.

Now, first of all, you put your hand on your heart. In the heart resides Shiva, is the Spirit. So, you have to thank your Spirit that it has brought light to your attention, because you’re a saint and the light that has come in your heart has to enlighten the whole world. So, please, now in your heart, you pray that: 

“Let this light of my love of the Divine spread to the whole world.” 

With all sincerity and understanding that you are connected with the Divine and whatever you desire will happen with full confidence in yourself.

2. Now put your right hand in the upper part of your abdomen, on the left hand side, on the upper part of your stomach on the left hand side. 

And now here is the center of your dharma.  Here you have to pray that:

“Let Vishwa Nirmal Dharma spread in the whole world. Let people see the light through our dharmic life; through our righteousness. Let people see them and accept the Vishwa Nirmal Dharm by which they get enlightenment and a benevolent higher life and a desire to ascend.”

3. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen of the stomach on the left hand side. Press it. 

Now this is the center of pure knowledge.  Here you have to say:

“As Sahaja Yogis that our Mother has given us the full idea how the Divine works. She has given us all the mantras and all the pure knowledge that we could bear and understand. Let me fully be knowledgeable about that, all of us.”

I have seen if the man is a leader, the wife doesn’t know a word about Sahaja Yoga. If the woman knows about Sahaja Yoga, the husband doesn’t know anything about it.

“Let me be proficient and an expert in this knowledge so that I can give realization to people, make them understand what is Divine Law, what is Kundalini, and what are the chakras. Let my attention be more on Sahaja Yoga than all these mundane things.”

4. Now put your right hand in the upper part of your abdomen. Close your eyes. Now here on the left hand side, press it.  Now here:

“Mother has given me the Spirit, and I have my own guru which is the Spirit. I am master of my own.  Let there be no abandonment. Let there be dignity in my character. Let there be generosity in my behavior. Let there be compassion and love for other Sahaja Yogis. Let me not show off, but have a deep, deep knowledge about God’s love and His doings so that when people come to me, I should be able to tell them about Sahaja Yoga and give them this great knowledge with humility and love.”

5. Now raise your right hand on your heart.  Here you have to:

“Thank God that you have felt the ocean of joy and you have felt the ocean of forgiveness and the capacity to forgive as our Mother has which we have seen is so tremendous. Let my heart expand and encompass the whole universe. And my love should resound the name of God.” 

The heart, every moment, should express the beauty of God’s love.

6. Take your now right hand in the Vishuddhi that is on the left Vishuddhi, between the neck and the shoulder in the corner. 

“I will not indulge into the falsehood of guilt, because I know it is falsehood. I will not escape my faults, but face them and eradicate them. I will not try to find faults with others, but in my own knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, let me remove their faults.” 

We have so many ways; secretly we can remove the faults of others. 

“Let my collectivity become so great that the whole Sahaja race is my own family, my own children, my home, my everything. Let me get that feeling completely, innately built within myself that I am a part and a parcel of the whole, because we all have one Mother. And let my concern go to the whole world, to know what are their problems and how can, through my true desire power, solve that. Let me feel the problems of the world in my heart, and innately to remove all of them from the basis of which they are, from the basis from which they are generated. Let me go to the principles of all these problems and try to remove them through my Sahaja Yoga powers, through my saintly powers.”

7. Now put your right hand on your forehead, across.  Now here you have to say, first of all:

“I have to forgive all those who have not come in Sahaja Yoga, those who are on the periphery, who come and go, who jump in and jump out. But, first of all and foremost, I have to forgive all the Sahaja Yogis, because they are all better than me. I’m the one, who tries to find faults with them, but I am at the lowest ebb and I have to forgive them because I must know that I still have to go very further. I’m still much less. I have to improve myself.”

This humility has to come within us, so you have to say here:

“Let the humility in my heart, in a true sense, not hypocritical, work out this feeling of forgiveness, so that I bow to reality, to God, and to Sahaja Yoga.”

8. Now you have to put back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head here. And you have to say here:

“O Mother, whatever wrong we have done to You so far, whatever wrong goes in our minds, and whatever smallness we have shown to You, whatever way we have troubled You and challenged You, please forgive us.”

You have to ask for forgiveness. In your intelligence you should know what I am. I don’t have to tell you again and again.

9. Now at Sahasrara you have to thank Me. At Sahasrara, put your hand, move it seven times, and thank Me seven times.

“Mother thank You very much for the realization. And Mother, thank You very much for making us understand how great we are. And thank You very much for bringing all the blessings of the Divine. And thank You very much for raising us higher, much higher, than from where we were. And also thank You very much for sustaining us and for helping us to improve ourselves and correct ourselves.

And thank You very much ultimately that Mother, You have come on this earth, taken Your birth, and working so hard for us, for all of us.”

Press it hard and move it hard. Now take down your hands. Heads are all very hot. 

So now let us give ourselves a nice bandhan. In the Bandhan of Mother let us move our left to the right. One, nicely, understanding what you are, what are your auras. Now again, second one. Now the third one. Now the fourth one. Now the fifth. Now the sixth one. And now the seventh.

Now raise your Kundalini. Raise your Kundalini, slowly, very slowly. Raise it, first time you have to do it very slowly. Now push back your heads, and give it a knot, one knot.

Second one, let’s do it, very slowly and knowing what you are, you’re a saint. Do it, properly, properly, do it properly, not in a haste. Take it to your head, push back your head and give it two knots there, one and two.

Now let’s do the other one. Again the third one we have to give three knots. Very slowly do it, very slowly. Now do it properly. Now push back your head, now give it the third one, three times.

Now see your vibrations. Beautiful. I am getting vibrations from you. May God bless you. Thank you very much.


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