I was disgusted with the amount of cruelty happening all over the world, be it on animals, children, men or women. The news were too painful to hear or see. I asked, when will Kali Yuga ends? And then I stumble upon this Shri Mataji's talk. Immediately I feel like Shri Mataji talking to me and telling me what to do. Thank You, Mother!
It is a very important thing about the power of Shri Krishna that gives you a witness state. This is very important also because, in these days of Kali Yuga and complete confusion of value system, all kinds of turmoil makes very complex conditions to exist. The state of witnessing is only possible through meditation: you reach the state of thoughtless awareness. It’s combined together. Now the witness state is such a state where you just do not react. If you react, then the problem starts. It’s a very simple thing to understand that we react through our ego or through our conditioning. Otherwise there is no way to react. ...
There is no fear at all, once you learn how to have the state of witnessing. Because when you are not witnessing you get disturbed, you get upset, you get excited, you may join also these wrong type of people. But if you are in a state of witnessing, that itself is a power. And that witnessing state helps you to win over so many difficulties of other people.
But witness state is not a mental state, it is a state of a spiritual ascent where you become a witness. Best way to practice witness state is not to criticize anyone, not to criticize. I’ve seen people who are all the time criticizing others. They cannot criticize themselves, so they start criticizing other. So much so that they don’t even see what’s wrong with them. They don’t even see what wrong they have done to others, because they think they have a right to criticize others, and they enjoy this criticism very well. Actually there’s nothing to be criticized. You just watch and see for yourself. That’s all is your right. You have no right to criticize anyone or anything. But some people think if you do not criticize, then it will go on like this and it will never stop. It’s not that! Once you watch the thing yourself, only just watch. Your attention itself is enlightened now, with that enlightened attention you can just watch and stop the nonsense that is there. ...
Once you start losing your witness state you can fall into negative collectivity. And thus this negative collectivity acts, acts in such a bad manner that all the conflicts of the world, all the problems of the world perhaps are related with this. So as Sahaja Yogis, what should we do?
We should not react, we should not react. If you see something wrong, all right, you meditate on that point, you meditate. If you find anything wrong happening, all right, meditate on that. If somebody is unkind to you, at that moment do not react. Afterwards when that person is quietened, you tell him or tell her, because at that time when he’s so volatile or she’s volatile if you tell, nothing will happen. Gradually, I don’t say always you can win over such people, but gradually you may be able to make them understand that it’s wrong, it’s wrong to do things which they have been doing. ...
So this power of witnessing you all should develop. Try to develop it that when you are reacting, stop reaction, stop reaction about everything. You will be amazed, you will find yourself a very, very powerful person in the sense you’ll have no ambitions, you’ll have no desires, you’ll have no special fondness or anything. But just you are witnessing the drama. It’s very interesting to witness also, because then you understand the humor behind everything, you understand the stupidity behind everything. You understand also how people have been so violent, and you just laugh at it; you don’t get upset, excited, nothing, just laugh at it. After some time you’ll be amazed, your witness state will increase, and when in the collective all of you have that witness state, you can do wonders without doing anything, without saying anything, without acting - only your presence itself can work it out. I don’t say that it will have effect on everyone, no, can’t say; but most of the people. Any person who is in that state, he is the one who brings peace, he brings joy. ...
Once you learn how to witness you will know the myth, you will know the absurdity, you will know the maya. So to overcome the problems of personality the best thing is to witness, practice witnessing everything: before talking, practice witnessing, before giving any comments, just start witnessing. It’s a very, very satisfying attitude. H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,
extracts from Shri Krishna Puja 1998