Since I am going to be quite busy for the next few days, decided to post twice today. In Sahaj we have so many brothers and sisters. I am closer to the sisters in the Sahaj Music group. Lat is the cuplrit of name giving. There's Malses Kapalses, Kimmi Changgah, Whiny, Datin / Angamuthu, Pundumami and mine is Bindu / Samosa. According to Lat, my Indian name is Samosa and my Sahaj name is Bindu. Lat's ability to give names doesn't stop with her Sahaj music students, it goes on to whoever she is close to. Remember I was talking about passion? Interestingly one day during a session of meditation, an idea came to me. It's about writing a book about all the sisters I mentioned above. Well, I am not a writer and my English is not perfect. So, I am not so sure about this. Anyway, my sisters are all from different backgrounds. There's a doctor, a lawyer, 2 teachers, a mechanical engineer and an auditor. Some are married, some are not. Some has children, som...
My spiritual journey with Sahaja Yoga.