Q.: When we get angry, is our anger just our tendency to react like that? SHRI MATAJI: You see, if you get angry within yourself, and if you are sure that you are not doing anything wrong, for a Sahaja Yogi there is no need to say “outside you are angry.” There’s no need. That anger itself is a power. And you should do your bandhan and anything that you want to do. But you should not show that you’re angry. You should be absolutely silent, because you can be, you are in the axis; you are not on the periphery. Actually the anger is just to see your anger , and use that anger for that purpose. And once you start doing that, that anger will itself work out. That anger will itself work out the person. And you’ll be amazed, how it … But you must learn to see your anger that is working. All these things are important. You have seen that sometimes only shouting at the bhoots they go away, and man...
My spiritual journey with Sahaja Yoga.