In 1984, in the UK, Shri Mataji did a series of Public Programs on The Experience of Truth. She explained in detail, what is truth, how to recognise truth, transformation from truth and finally, enjoyment of the bliss of truth. Do look up the full speech to read more about it: 22 June 1984, 2 July 1984, 8 July 1984 and 10 July 1984. "If you want the truth, I'll tell you the truth: Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you." - Kabir Who are the seekers of truth? "So when I talk that the seekers of truth , and I bow to you, I mean to say people who will be honest about it. Those who are not honest, who are just clinging on to certain ideas, are fanatic and think that, “This is the truth ”, then I cannot help you. I can just say that come inside, within yourself is placed the truth and just find it out for yourself because it is your own, it is within you. It is your own, it is within you. Only thing is that ...