Sharing with you what music can really do to us, especially Sahaja Yoga music. On Shri Mataji's Birthday Puja day, I was a little out-of-balance. Rushed to the puja and was unable to clear and footsoak beforehand. I felt a little guilty about it, then when I reached the puja venue, I placed both hands on the Mother Earth to ground myself. Still not good enough. Was reacting badly to a phone call. Just as we were about to start, a yogini sister's 1 year old boy came and started standing up and facing me and laughing and raised his hands up and down, as if raising his own Kundalini. But I could feel that my kundalini was coming up and vibrations were becoming lighter. Still slight heat but better. He was in fact, raising my Kundalini when everyone thought he was just playing with me. My husband was sitting behind me. After Shri Mataji's talk, Her message was directly aiming at me, at least that's what I fel...
My spiritual journey with Sahaja Yoga.