What do you do when someone is trying to make your life difficult? Before Sahaj, I would probably just react and feel down about it. After Sahaj, I learn how to witness and forgive. Still learning. What's the point of holding a grudge? It will just hurt our Spirit. What's the point of getting angry? It will hurt our chakras and get our Egos all blown up. So, best is just to witness. Here's Shri Mataji's advice : Humility and Ego Humility is one of the criteria of a Sahaja Yogi.. a person who does not have humility cannot be called a Sahaja Yogi...so this humility will give you a more permanent state by which you will not react...you just watch... and that's how the new state, a witness state comes into you. When you become the witness ...you are in the present...and you just watch and enjoy..the enjoyment of all the creation is not within your mind when you are thinking...so one should learn that we should not react. But today's problem is th...
My spiritual journey with Sahaja Yoga.